Guest Room
Green room - queen bed, a/c , sat
TV w/DVD player, shared bath with white room. $75/nite plus
tax |
White room - queen bed, a/c , sat
TV/ shared bath with green room. $75/nite plus tax |
Wood room - private bath, king bed ,
TV w/DVD player, a/c, the walls, floors and ceilings are all oak and yellow pine.
$125/nite plus tax |
Carriage House - private entrance and porch, living room, kitchen, a/c,
TV w/DVD, 2 bedrooms (king and queen beds) $135/nite plus
tax |
Rates are for
single or double occupancy. $15 each additional person. |

Amenities include
Continental Breakfast, A /
C, satellite TV, Jacuzzi, Pinball machines, porches, sunroom, a TV
room with big screen TV, large selection of DVD movies, 24 hour coffee, perennial flower
garden and, of course, Arthur the Parrot.